General description
MARINTEK is a research company in the SINTEF Group and does research, development and technical consulting in the maritime sector for industry and the public sector. The Institute develops and verifies technological solutions for the shipping and maritime equipment industries and for offshore petroleum production.
MARINTEK, together with Department of Marine Technology at the Norwegian University of science and Technology (NTNU), constitutes the Marine Technology Centre in Trondheim. The collaboration between the University and MARINTEK largely enhances quality of commercial projects and teaching programs.
MARINTEK has a leading competence in analysis and testing of moored floating platforms used in the offshore industry. This competence has developed during more than 30 years of development of analysis methods, computer programs and model testing. MARINTEK operates the national marine technology laboratories together with Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU).
MARINTEK is WP leader for WP5
- Responsible for specifying of Spar-type floating support structure and mooring system (WP5)